Our People: Starting with “R”


Scott Roy

Digital Marketing Manager - SEM

Scott manages the optimization of our digital marketing through developing SEM strategies, an integral part to our performance marketing. From the birth of search engine marketing, Scott’s journey working for a brand marketing agency, digital marketing company, non-for-profit organization, and training & education provider in several digital marketing roles led him to become a PPC expert – a subspecies of SEM. He works with pioneering technology, as well as disruptive technology to maximize growth within the digital legal space. Having lived in Australia as a migrant, allowed him to have first-hand experience only Australian visa applicants experience in finding good legal representation. Through meticulous testing and in-depth analysis, he is uniquely a true specialist (“unicorn”) in our immigration landscape. Let’s just say, if you’re reading this page, his work drove you here. We could also say, Google has a fond appreciation for his contribution.

Dig Deeper into the Team

Scott enjoys the idea of jumping out of a flying plane, but he’s just never gotten around to making a career out of it; in fact, we’re not exactly sure if he’s even done his first tandem dive. For now, we live vicariously through his envious dream, living as a local in countries sufficiently exotic we bet you never knew existed.