The Australian Contributory Parent Visa - subclass 143

The Australian government has created an immigration visa called Contributory Parent Subclass 143, which permits applicants to relocate to Australia as permanent residents with children who are established as Australian citizens. The applicant may come from any country except for Australia. It allows the holder to work from anywhere within the country. It also allows them to work anywhere in the country. Visa Subclass 143 also will enable holders to pursue further studies. Regulations and rules governing the visa process can be clarified by ISA Migrations & Educational Consultants, the most reputable migration agent in Australia. They also assist with any difficulties. 


It allows applicants to stay within Australia for as long as they wish. Through this visa, the applicant has the chance to enrol in other health or medical insurance plans. They can also help sponsor family members to stay in Australia. You can also travel between Australia for five years. The applicants can also apply to obtain Australian citizenship if they meet the conditions. Before applying, you must schedule an appointment with the authorities to explain the rules and regulations associated with this. 


How to Apply for Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143? 

To apply for a contributory parent visa, you must be the parent of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, who is 'settled' at the time the application is lodged. You must also satisfy the balance of family test. 

The core requirements for both the parent category and the contributory parent category are similar. However, there are key differences. These are: 

  • applicants in the contributory parent category have significantly shorter waiting periods for applications to be finalised 

  • visa applications in the contributory parent category are accorded a higher priority for processing 

  • applicants for a contributory parent visa pay a substantially higher second instalment of the visa application charge (per person) and a larger assurance of support (AoS) bond (with a longer AoS period). 


Sponsorship by Community Organisation

This Community Organisation must prove that: 

  • there is a relationship between the organisation and the applicant's child 

  • a senior representative of the organisation agrees to sponsor the applicant 

  • the organisation is lawfully established in Australia 

  • the organisation has been actively operating in Australia for at least one year 

  • the organisation can meet its financial commitments: that they agree to support the family for 2 years since the grant of the visa (if required) 


Assurance of Support (AoS) 

All permanent parent and contributory parent visa applicants must provide an AoS before a visa can be granted and this requirement cannot be waived in any circumstances. 

An AoS is a legal commitment by a person (Does not have to be the Sponsor) who repays the Australian Government welfare payments paid to a person applying to migrate during their AoS period. The period of an AoS is 10 years for the contributory parent category visas. 

It is common for the Sponsors, the Australian child, to be the AoS supporter. The AoS eligibility is calculated by a formula that takes into consideration of various factors, and hence we urge you to check your eligibility directly from the Department of Human Services website.

The AoS supporter can be anybody, and it does not necessarily have to be the Sponsor. 


Whilst the migration law will be “locked” in place from the date that the application has been made, it is important to note that the AoS requirements may change and affect your application regardless of when it was lodged. For example, if the supporter was eligible at the time when the visa was lodged, but if the Department of Human Services changes its policy/ regulations on AoS, these new requirements will apply to you regardless of when you have lodged your visa. 


Medicare and Other Benefits 

This visa lets you: 

  • stay in Australia indefinitely 

  • work and study in Australia 

  • enrol in Medicare, Australia's scheme for health-related care and expenses 

  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence 

  • travel to and from Australia for five years 

  •  apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible 


You will not automatically receive the age pension or social security payments in Australia. 

You will have to wait: 

  • two years for most social security payments 

  • ten years for age and disability pension payments. 

If you experience a major change to your circumstances that is beyond your control, you might qualify for a Special Benefit payment from the Department of Human Services 



How Can Agape Henry Crux Help You?   

Australian Immigration can be very complex - if you want to find out more about a visa or citizenship application, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can book a Migration Planning Session with one of our immigration lawyers to seek professional advice by calling +612 8310 5230 or email us to book in a time at   

We speak fluent English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian, Burmese and Malay. If these aren’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.   

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