NSW Government Unveils Simpler Application Process for Skilled Regional Work Subclass 491 Visa

In a recent update, the New South Wales (NSW) Government has revealed significant changes to its state-sponsored migration program. Notably, for applicants seeking the NSW Skilled Regional Work Subclass 491 Visa, the mandatory approval from the NSW Regional Development Australia (RDA) is no longer a requirement.

Overview of Pathways

As outlined on the NSW website, prospective candidates now have two direct pathways to secure NSW nomination for the subclass 491 visa for the upcoming financial year 2023-2024 as follows:

  • Pathway 1: Direct Application to Investment NSW - This is for candidates with an established work history with a regional NSW-based employer; or

  • Pathway 2: Invitation by Investment NSW - Candidates selected by Investment NSW based on the need for their specific skills in NSW.

These revisions mark a significant shift in the state's approach to migration, streamlining the process for subclass 491 visa applicants and fostering a more accessible route to NSW nomination.

Direct Applications and Invitation Rounds

As of now, applications for NSW nomination under Pathway 1 are temporarily closed. NSW Investment is poised to initiate the acceptance of direct applications for 'Pathway 1' shortly, concurrently commencing invitation rounds for 'Pathway 2.'

It is important to note that securing a NSW nomination under 'Pathway 2' is highly competitive, with invitation rounds taking place throughout the financial year. There are no predefined or publicly disclosed dates for these invitation rounds. During 'Pathway 2' invitation rounds, priority will be given to Expressions of Interest (EOI) in occupations aligned with NSW target sectors including health, education, ICT, infrastructure, and agriculture.

Prospective applicants are advised to stay vigilant for announcements from NSW Investment regarding the opening of 'Pathway 1' and to be prepared for the competitive nature of 'Pathway 2' nomination rounds, emphasizing the prioritization of EOIs within key industry sectors.


How Can Agape Henry Crux Help

If you require any assistance in relation to a NSW Skilled Regional Work Visa (Subclass 491), please contact us. At Agape Henry Crux, our Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyer(s) and our team of immigration lawyers and migration agents are specialised in handling highly complex matters. You may schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-8310 5230 or email us at info@ahclawyers.com.  

We speak fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay. If this isn’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.  

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