Latest Updates on Subclass 189 New Zealand Stream and Outbound Travel Exemption

Subclass 189 NZ Stream

The New Zealand stream of the Subclass 189 visa provides a pathway to permanent residency for long-term New Zealand citizen residents who have demonstrated commitment to Australia, and who have made and can continue to make a strong economic contribution to Australia’s future.

The Migration Regulations have been amended to make it easier for applicants for a Subclass 189 (Skilled – Independent) visa in the New Zealand stream to satisfy the annual income requirement.

Currently, applicants applying for the subclass 189 NZ stream must meet the minimum income threshold for each of the four completed financial years before applying. In other words, failure to meet the income threshold means the applicant must wait and will only become eligible for a Subclass 189 visa in the New Zealand stream when they meet the income threshold for four consecutive income years.

The amendment replaces the current income requirement. Applicants applying for this stream are required to meet the income threshold for three financial years out of the five years immediately before applying. One of these three years must be in the most recently completed financial year.  

Travel Exemptions Outbound – Conditions

The Migration Institute of Australia announced the following conditions regarding travel exemptions:

  1. A travel exemption is only valid for one outwards movement only, unless stipulated otherwise

  2. Travel exemptions lodged prior to 9 February 2021 do not have a validity period and remain valid as long as the reason for travel remains the same

  3. Travel exemptions lodged on 9 February 2021 onwards have a three-month travel validity from the date of approval and remain valid for one outwards movement during this period.

How Can Agape Henry Crux Help You

At Agape Henry Crux, our Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyers and our team of immigration lawyers and migration agents are well trained to handle highly complex matters.  You can book one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-72002700 or email us to book in a time at

We speak fluent English, Korean, Burmese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Indonesian, and Malay. If this isn’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.

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