Special Labour Agreement for Refugees

A special pilot migration program commenced 01 July 2021. It was created to meet two needs:

  1. Address growing global refugee issues; and

  2. Meet skills shortage in Australia.

This pilot program will use the following visa subclasses under the labour agreement:

  1. Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa Subclass 494

  2. Temporary Skill Shortage visa Subclass 482

  3. Employer Nomination Scheme visa Subclass 186


Information For Refugees

Refugees around the world are now able to upload their resumes to Talent Beyond Boundaries, who will then assist in helping them source for employers willing to sponsor under a Labour Agreement. (Read this article for more information on Labour Agreements)


It is preferred if refugees are registered with the United Nations, although not essential. However, for applicants who are displaced and/or stateless, they may also consider this program if they have a skill and do not have a future in the country, they are in. 


The limit of the number of refugees under the humanitarian intake program is not affected by this pilot program. It’s generally not suitable for onshore applicants, in particular, Unauthorized Maritime Arrivals


Information For Employers

Employers may select a role they need filled in their business. Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB) will identify suitable candidates and shortlist suitable candidates. TBB will then facilitate remote recruitment including video interviews and if employers find a suitable candidate, they may issue a job offer and contracts are signed. 

TBB will support both employers and visa applicants through the visa application process. They connect employers and visa applicants with expert migration advisor, similar to our firm to assist this application process. 


Additional Information

As a final piece of the process, TBB will assist with the resettlement of visa applicants and their family members up to 12 months of their arrival to Australia. They will check in regularly on visa applicants and their family members to ensure that they receive all support to settle in Australia. 

TBB can also arrange cultural awareness training for employers and visa applicants. 


Processing time takes about weeks on average. At present, TBB has successfully placed visa applicants to:

  • Esperance and Harvey in Western Australia

  • Shepparto and Melbourne in Victoria

  • Karra in New South Wales


How Can Agape Henry Crux Help

If you are interested in employing or if you are an asylum seeking interested to migrate to Australia, contact one of our specialists to discuss.

At Agape Henry Crux, our Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyers and our team of immigration lawyers and migration agents are well trained to handle highly complex matters.  You can book one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-72002700 or email us to book in a time at info@ahclawyers.com.

We speak fluent English, Korean, Burmese, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian, and Malay. If this isn’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.

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