Permanent Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 Granted

“I originally applied for the visa for my mother myself thinking it would be rather straightforward. However, the processing time kept increasing and I never heard from the Department. During this time, the law kept changing back and forth. Although I was part of group chats that kept me informed, people were saying different things and it was hard to follow what was indeed correct. I then sought Agape’s assistance and I am glad that I did so. They kept me informed with the law changes and I had a good source of knowing what was indeed the law and not just rumours. They followed up the case closely for me and now my mother’s permanent parent visa is granted. Their assistance took a lot of burden off my shoulders and made the process smoother. ”

“我本来是为自己的母亲申请签证的,因为我认为这很简单。 但是,处理时间一直在增加,而在期间我从未收到过该部门的任何消息。 在此期间,法律不断变化。 尽管我参与了小组聊天,使我随时最新状况,但人们却在说不同的话,很难理解真正正确的事情。 然后,我寻求了Agape的帮助,很高兴我这样做了。 他们让我了解法律的变化,而且我有很好的了解什么是法律,而不仅仅是谣言。 他们为我密切跟踪此案,现在,我的母亲获得了永久父母签证。 他们的协助减轻了我的负担,并使整个过程更加顺利。”

- Sophie Cai