Can I Work for Another Company While Holding A Training (subclass 407) Visa?

Looking to enhance your career prospects and skills through practical training? The Training (subclass 407) visa is a short-stay temporary visa and could be your visa pathway to occupational training or professional development in Australia.

What is the purpose of a Training Visa (SC 407)? 

The Training (SC 407) Visa is designed for individuals to gain work experience in Australia to meet occupational registration or licensing requirements, enhance their skills in their chosen profession, and for global capacity building.

What is Condition 8102 on Training (subclass 407) Visa? 

Condition 8102 attached to the Subclass 407 visa, mandates that work undertaken must align with your course of training. The Training (subclass 407) visa opens opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth and ensures the training experience is qualified.

Can I work for another company While holding a Training (subclass 407)Visa? 

The simple answer is no. Training (sc 407) visa holders were granted by a specific nominating employer for full-time training (at least 30 hours a week) for a specific occupation. 

But if the primary visa holder has dependent(s) included in their application, the dependent(s) are given the freedom to engage in employment without restrictions on company or occupation. It is important to note that the dependent(s)’ have limited work rights of 40 hours per fortnight.

Can I work part-time/side hustle with a Training Visa (SC 407)? 

Subclass 407 Training visa holders are required to work full-time for at least 30 hours a week for their nominated position, which makes being employed for a part-time role impractical. Upholding the visa's terms and conditions is pivotal, and deviation could jeopardize your visa status.

How can Agape Henry Crux Help?

Agape Henry Crux can help you. Our Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law are specialised in handling highly complex matters. You may schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers or agents to seek professional advice by calling 02-8310 5230 or emailing us at  

We speak fluent English, Mandarin, and Malay. If this isn’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.  

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