Child Care Centre Manager (ANZSCO 134111) and Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189

On 15 June 2021, the Department released information that as at 30 April 2021, there were no on-hand Skilled Independent visas – subclass 189 that were being processed where the occupation is Child Care Centre Manager (ANZSCO 134111).

How Many Child Care Centre Manager Applicants Were Invited for the Subclass 189 Visa?

Between 01 January 2019 and 30 April 2021, there were less than five (5) subclass 189 granted for the occupation of Child Care Centre Manager (ANZSCO 134111) and because there were less than 30 decisions made during this period, processing times data is not available. 


Why Were There So Little Invitations for Child Care Centre Manager for the Subclass 189?

One of the reasons that there aren’t many Skilled Independent Visa subclass 189 vias lodged in the occupation Child Care Centre Manager is due to the change of skills assessment body. Formerly, this occupation was assessed by Trades Recognition Australia (“TRA”). However, as of 15 November 2019, the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (“ACECQA”) are the official appointed skills assessment authority. 

The assessment standards are now more difficult. ACECQA requires that candidates demonstrate three (3) years of full time or part time equivalent employment experience as a Child Care Centre Manager in a regulated early childhood education and care service. The difficulty lies with candidates that obtained the work experience prior to completing their bachelor degree cannot count most parts of this period as work experience, unless it was an on-the-job training required for the completing of the bachelor degree. In addition, the practical question of whether the work experience was legitimately a child care centre manager arises, i.e. if there is already a child care centre manager in the business, the question of whether your work experience genuinely falls squarely with the roles and duties of a child care centre manager becomes an issue. 

Australian graduates are only given a two (2) years visa after completing their course of study under the Temporary Graduate visa – subclass 485 (post-study work stream). This is inadequate for them to obtain the necessary work experience qualifying them for the full assessment with ACECQA. Overseas work experience are not accepted if it is not with early childhood education and care service regulated at the standard accepted by ACECQA. In addition, candidates are required to provide evidence of at least six (6) months full time (or part time equivalent) experience in the past three (3) years. 


What Can You Do?

If you find yourself in this predicament, contact one of our specialists to discuss the strategies available to you. Some of the strategies include (but not limited to) engaging with TRA’s former legacy skills assessment, obtaining a visa with full work permission to complete the necessary work experience, claiming former work experience (even those that were not completed in Australia), including seeking an assessment that your qualification meets the standards set out by the National Quality Framework , etc.

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